Want Quick Delivery Process, Let's Know the Plus and Minus

If you can determine, maybe you will choose to give birth quickly. The reason is, not only saves time, fast labor also tends not to drain energy excessively. Although it sounds interesting, fast labor is actually not as good as you think, you know! In the process of giving birth normally, you will go through three stages of labor. The stages of labor that you have to go through are the initial phase, the birthing phase, and the placental discharge phase. This stage of labor normally takes about 6-18 hours. But in rapid labor, all three stages last for only 3-5 hours.

Advantages of Fast Labor

The rapid labor process is more likely if you have already given birth. Before knowing the advantages, there are some signs of fast labor that you need to know. The first is that you will feel strong contractions, very painful, and without pauses in the first stage of labor. In addition, you will also feel the urge to push that appears suddenly and come so quickly. Some of the benefits that you can feel from a fast labor are that you do not need to wait a long time to meet with your baby, and because of the relatively faster time, the energy you spend on straining is also not as much as labor with normal time. Whereas in infants, the advantage is that it can minimize the occurrence of infection. The reason is, infection is one of the risks that lurk long labor.

Lack of Fast Labor

If you think the fast labor process can free you from stress, you are wrong. This birth can actually make your emotions become messy, you know! Because the process is fast, you can have difficulty finding ways to deal with discomfort during labor. In addition, fast labor also risks making you give birth in an inadequate place, such as in the car when heading to the maternity home or at home without the supervision of a midwife or doctor. The rapid labor process can also trigger several complications, such as:
  • Tearing or bruising of the vagina and perineum (the area between the vagina and the anus). This can cause severe bleeding after giving birth.
  • Placental abruption, which is a condition when the placenta is released first (in part or in whole) from the inner wall of the uterus before the baby is born.
  • Increased risk of a portion of placental tissue remaining in the uterus (retained placenta) after the baby is born.
  • Increased risk of postpartum infection because the birth process occurs in an inadequate place.
In addition to the complications above, fast labor can also have a negative impact on your baby, such as:
  • Increased baby's risk of breathing in amniotic fluid.
  • Increased risk of injury to baby's head, due to rapid changes in pressure when he descends through the birth canal.
  • Increased risk of fetus experiencing a lack of oxygen and nutritional supply, if there is placental abruption.
Fast labor can be experienced by any pregnant woman. However, there are several conditions that can increase the risk of labor like this, including having given birth and carrying a baby with a small size. To anticipate this, do a routine doctor's examination during pregnancy, especially at the end of the third trimester. The goal is that the condition of your uterus and fetus can be monitored properly, and that pregnancy complications can be detected early and treated immediately.


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