Why Do Medical Check-Up

Health is expensive, but when sick it can be even more expensive. Therefore, prevention is better than cure. As a preventative measure, medical check-ups can be done to determine health conditions, as well as detecting an illness early. The earlier a disease is detected, the faster help can be given. In this way, the disease does not progress to a more serious stage, while preventing more complicated help. Medical check-ups are required for women and men, both young people and the elderly. People who look healthy also need to do a medical check-up, especially to check the level of health and the possibility of serious illness that has not shown symptoms. In general, the following can be a list of things that are checked through medical check-ups. Weight Abnormal body mass index (BMI) can trigger various diseases. Obesity can increase the risk of stroke, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, hypertension, and cancer. While physical conditions that are too thin risk to ...